Hi everyone! I am so excited to be back on this lovely November 2nd to say that it's the blog's birthday! I can't believe I've been making these silly little posts for 2 years now.
As many of you know, the blog started after I left my first semester of college early because of covid. I was spending the remainder of the weeks in bed on zoom classes and needed some sort of outlet and entertainment. Soooo... Bella Fratto Blog was born!
The blog has definitely been a little all over the place the last 2 years, but that's because it's as much for me as it is for you. I like to make posts about what I'm interested in and what I like, not only things that I think others want to see- because that's where the blog started. It began in my bed at home when I had a little too much time on my hands! And as I change, the blog changes with me.
I've been able to capture so much fun the past 2 years and so much of my life and travels! I can look back to see my favorite things, weeks in my life, trends, and some of my trips throughout my time blogging. I LOVE HAVING THIS BLOG! Since I love having the blog, I hope you all love reading it even a fraction as much. I really do put a lot of effort into the things I post, which is a reason my posts aren't always as frequent as I wish they could be. I'm a busy gal here at Bucknell! Each post is carefully thought out and I create a new graphic every time (which sometimes is what takes me the longest).
I just reread my 1 Year blog post and it's making me very proud of what I've been able to do the past year. I'm very excited to keep growing as a person AND as a blogger to continue to create the best stuff on here for all of us. :)
Thank you all for reading and commenting as always- but a little extra today!